Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Now if you are working in silicon valley then here is a news of your interest...!!

Now legal court disputes going to be solved online.....!!! 

One of the silicon valley company going to take court disputes online .
announced  by one of the silicon valley company that they have developed a software that make it possible to work out a divorce without hiring an attorney or disputing assessments regarding tax completely online at your home.

The company announced that the software that have been developed will represent the next wave of technology as the laws and rule are turned into computer code which will be capable of solving legal battles without the need of any attorney or judge .

 As per source at their initial level these computer codes laws are capable to relieve burdens on court of small claims , family issues, and traffic fines. but latter on even more complicated disputes will be resolved online. 

This not the first time when software is going to be part of judicial judgements, officials in ohio are reportedly using MODRIA'S software to resolve tax disputes out of the court. Even similar kind of software is also used in NEW YORK to settle medical claims etc.

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